ICY CAPS Book $45.00 / Sold Out
797 Series Brushes $200.00
Boxcar Series Brushes $150.00
Hi-Fliers Brushes $100.00
Wall Hogs Brushes $72.00
Streamliners $50.00
Sho Card Brushes $42.00
925 Series $42.00
Brush Oil $20.00
3” gilders tip $30.00
The GoldFather water size brush $60.00
The Gold Father Copper Size Pot $150.00
The Gold Fathers 4'' Gilders Tip $42.00
The Goldfather Burnishing Pad $30.00
The Goldfather Gilders gelatin sheets $20.00
King Cole Black - Gold Leaf Backup $50.00
SIGNtific Advertising by EC Matthews $25.00
FRISSOs “Risso” Booklet - A brief collection of lettering & signs $25.00
Truck Lettering by Lonnie Tettaton $20.00
Speed Lettering: The Money Maker by Lonnie Tettaton $20.00